PSOCOTTERI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now ... I'll tell you a scary thing ... a story that nobody wants to be the protagonist because he has the macabre and horror inside ...
one morning our hero, who for privacy call "ME", wakes up and decides to go, as usual, to the toilet and play the DS while at the same time carry out its needs solid.
ME open the DS and note 4 small white dots that move and that logically seem to insects. What seems strange to me that he decided to check the shelf on which he had supported the DS. Note that there is full of bugs ... like me start to worry ... but I had no idea ancora conto della dimensione del probbbblema... piano piano controllando la camera nota che NESSUN PUNTO di essa è esente da quei maledetti insettucoli....LA CAMERA NE E' INVASA...
e quando dico invasa dico proprio DOVUNQUE!!! muri, mobili, cassetti... addirittura ME ne trova uno dentro un cassetto, dentro a una busta per CD mai aperta!!!
ME non li aveva mai notati perchè sono troppo piccoli, bianchi e l'unico modo per vederli è osservare attentamente la superficie incriminata a 20 cm di distanza...
ME comincia a pulire il muro come un forsennato ma sono talmente tanti che dopo neanche un ora questi lo hanno nuovamente invaso impadronendosene ...
ME cerca su internet information on these be horrible ... and find something ...
PSOCOTTERI ... it is also known as Flea of the books ...
the cause is probably the presence of mold! and in fact, unfortunately the camera is facing north of ME and this, in addition to causing the worst weather of the whole house, is also the reason why it may be mold on the wall ...
here and then met the enemy and his weaknesses, you start on the offensive!
ME can only move from the closet yet with all the things inside (3 x 3.5 m of pure weight!) And located behind a wall of mold ...
ME cleans the wall by mildew and PSOCOTTERI and then gives a first coat of paint heat.
the next day and the next, ME cleans the locker can remove all traces of dirt and insects. Cleans, one by one, his clothes and books, seals and other haunted things clearly. ME
hours worked is tired and will go to sleep. Tomorrow awaits another quick cleaning cycle and a second coat of paint on the wall.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Are There Secretpoptropica?
"Viva Forever"
OK .... some of you have ever seen or remembers this enigmatic video of the Spice Girls?
I saw him yesterday after a long time and I still do not quite understand the meaning ...
For those who do not remember if this is the plot ...
There are two children (one which is sexually unclassifiable) who are playing in the woods ... obviously (like all children of 10-12 years) is not that shines for peace and in fact at some point come out from behind a bush decided to take revenge for 5 have been disturbed ..
one of two children (that look more awake and clearly was pea-equipped) intelligently runs away, leaving the other being at the mercy of these ... spicy-fairies, anything with a face that stands there bewildered alarm in front of the 5 dragons but dall'aspeto pissed as sweet and angelic. They are obviously determined to make it pay: the first blonde spits in his face, the color of the throws a punch (a small, but still a fist eh!) and then tricked him draw close to a giant Rubik's cube.
Meanwhile, the friend who had fled, thinking back on his feet to his membership of a volunteer and I think if he had been expelled from the body would no longer have to enter the discount to the movies. The notes, however, the timid friend (which no one has yet identified the sex after 5 minutes of video, and nobody will succeed to the end) that leaves from 5 sbefeggiare fairies without intervening. At this point, the hermaphrodite is driven by fraud to enter the Rubik's cube that ends making disappear into thin air.
Friend, dejected and pissed off at the same time thinking about the lost facility for the cinema, he decides to take revenge starting to play with the Rubik's cube was on the ground by turning the faces colored shreds and pulp left inside the hermaphrodites. After
revenge and sure he killed the ex-friend from the enigmatic face, comes in front of a giant trash can shaped like a toy and threw in the Rubik's cube to suppress evidence. End
OK .... some of you have ever seen or remembers this enigmatic video of the Spice Girls?
I saw him yesterday after a long time and I still do not quite understand the meaning ...
For those who do not remember if this is the plot ...
There are two children (one which is sexually unclassifiable) who are playing in the woods ... obviously (like all children of 10-12 years) is not that shines for peace and in fact at some point come out from behind a bush decided to take revenge for 5 have been disturbed ..
one of two children (that look more awake and clearly was pea-equipped) intelligently runs away, leaving the other being at the mercy of these ... spicy-fairies, anything with a face that stands there bewildered alarm in front of the 5 dragons but dall'aspeto pissed as sweet and angelic. They are obviously determined to make it pay: the first blonde spits in his face, the color of the throws a punch (a small, but still a fist eh!) and then tricked him draw close to a giant Rubik's cube.
Meanwhile, the friend who had fled, thinking back on his feet to his membership of a volunteer and I think if he had been expelled from the body would no longer have to enter the discount to the movies. The notes, however, the timid friend (which no one has yet identified the sex after 5 minutes of video, and nobody will succeed to the end) that leaves from 5 sbefeggiare fairies without intervening. At this point, the hermaphrodite is driven by fraud to enter the Rubik's cube that ends making disappear into thin air.
Friend, dejected and pissed off at the same time thinking about the lost facility for the cinema, he decides to take revenge starting to play with the Rubik's cube was on the ground by turning the faces colored shreds and pulp left inside the hermaphrodites. After
revenge and sure he killed the ex-friend from the enigmatic face, comes in front of a giant trash can shaped like a toy and threw in the Rubik's cube to suppress evidence. End
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Find A Dune Buggycalgary
"Apple Supermarket"
Yeah .. when all they saw at MacWorld this image, came to ask what would lead ..
doubts, assumptions today in my opinion have become really clear ..
After the poor display of the new iMac ( ) today there are those who became aware of the fact step back with the iPod classic .. Chip
poorer than the previous generation (the 5G) ...
Yet, after elimination of the "Computer" from name, and after the delay of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, I would bet that by now the only real business were the iPod and the iPhone ...
believe that they would concentrate on all of them, churning out products that are always up to the name but ... race to save ... cheap products from supermarket ...
I was wrong about the "what", but I was wrong about the "how" ...
Apple is no longer synonymous with quality ... is only one company that aims to market ... .. like all the other disappointing his old clients ...
the "think different" now means no longer distinguish themselves from others ... but apart from the Apple of yore ...
Goodbye darling Apple Computer Inc..
Yeah .. when all they saw at MacWorld this image, came to ask what would lead ..
doubts, assumptions today in my opinion have become really clear ..
After the poor display of the new iMac ( ) today there are those who became aware of the fact step back with the iPod classic .. Chip
poorer than the previous generation (the 5G) ...
Yet, after elimination of the "Computer" from name, and after the delay of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, I would bet that by now the only real business were the iPod and the iPhone ...
believe that they would concentrate on all of them, churning out products that are always up to the name but ... race to save ... cheap products from supermarket ...
I was wrong about the "what", but I was wrong about the "how" ...
Apple is no longer synonymous with quality ... is only one company that aims to market ... .. like all the other disappointing his old clients ...
the "think different" now means no longer distinguish themselves from others ... but apart from the Apple of yore ...
Goodbye darling Apple Computer Inc..
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Nadine Jansen In Pool
Ruby on Rails - the framework of the wonders
I'm finally trying this framework that has done so much to talk about themselves in recent years.
We're testing for the project on course of Laboratory Data Base
After a little initial hesitation (due to my own laziness in seeking the documents online) I am realizing how this framework can greatly shorten the development time (and those of management!). Even with all'ActiveRecord, your application can interface with databases like MySQL (but I'm much preferring PostgreSQL ) without knowing a single SQL command!
Mapping ORM also allows you to instantly transform a project for a database with object model into reality.
The language behind the framework is Ruby, which seems very powerful and concise, unlike that of Java talkative. But I find that it takes quite a bit 'of time to assimilate well, since you can write the same commands in a myriad of different ways, omitting many things. This can speed up the writing and reading the code, but for a novice programmer, it can confuse things a bit. Definitely need a more abstract and conceptual based on the reading "to the character."
This type of programming may have its faults, no one claims otherwise, but I think in the near future will become the method most used by developers.
Official Website Ruby on Rails: Ruby
Official Site:
I'm finally trying this framework that has done so much to talk about themselves in recent years.
We're testing for the project on course of Laboratory Data Base
After a little initial hesitation (due to my own laziness in seeking the documents online) I am realizing how this framework can greatly shorten the development time (and those of management!). Even with all'ActiveRecord, your application can interface with databases like MySQL (but I'm much preferring PostgreSQL ) without knowing a single SQL command!
Mapping ORM also allows you to instantly transform a project for a database with object model into reality.
The language behind the framework is Ruby, which seems very powerful and concise, unlike that of Java talkative. But I find that it takes quite a bit 'of time to assimilate well, since you can write the same commands in a myriad of different ways, omitting many things. This can speed up the writing and reading the code, but for a novice programmer, it can confuse things a bit. Definitely need a more abstract and conceptual based on the reading "to the character."
This type of programming may have its faults, no one claims otherwise, but I think in the near future will become the method most used by developers.
Official Website Ruby on Rails: Ruby
Official Site:
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Throat Cancer Blood Test
first come ... post/3714/apple-brevetta-la-colla
today I was talking with a friend ...
but may (especially in the U.S.) will allow patents like this?
ideas often implemented even if ... at least until someone takes the trouble ... and after all the work, finds himself having to pay the patent infringement ... post/3714/apple-brevetta-la-colla
today I was talking with a friend ...
but may (especially in the U.S.) will allow patents like this?
ideas often implemented even if ... at least until someone takes the trouble ... and after all the work, finds himself having to pay the patent infringement ...
Antec Aria Replacement Psu
called Crimen Sollicitationis
... it is "obvious" that the Pope is illuminated by God ..
... it is "obvious" that the Pope is illuminated by God ..
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Treating High Blood Pressure With Marijuana
that this infamous day-ily ...
I'm sick!
sick of being bandied about words, phrases and concepts that you do not even know the meaning! People who
to justify their narrow-mindedness is hiding behind a mask and sanctify BLESSED "Justice" (?????) dogmatic!
people doing their universal concepts ... and indeed, Universal wants to make its vision of reality and of nature! Yes, that's Nature! That thing that no one ever knew how to explain why in 10,000 years, if not through religious assumptions based solely on faith (or rather the "trust me I know from what I can make you do ..."). Yet some people seem to have a clear idea of what is' natural and what is not'....
I grew up in the 80s ... in those years in school where they spoke so convincingly of the fight against racism ... and all in all this campaign has paid off ...
now nothing can be said against someone of different religion, even if the Point out that the crotch open ... you can not say no to a Moroccan in the carrefour pargheggio you want to sell a package of socks strength tubular in August when you're shooting in thongs ...
yet a part of society where it seems that there should remain locked up in their homes ... because it is better not to see it to avoid having to accept its existence ... the part of citizens that the church insists on not recognizing, in my opinion even falling in the offense of incitement to racism!
It 's time to wake up .. to stop being hypocrites Italian!
I'm sick!
sick of being bandied about words, phrases and concepts that you do not even know the meaning! People who
to justify their narrow-mindedness is hiding behind a mask and sanctify BLESSED "Justice" (?????) dogmatic!
people doing their universal concepts ... and indeed, Universal wants to make its vision of reality and of nature! Yes, that's Nature! That thing that no one ever knew how to explain why in 10,000 years, if not through religious assumptions based solely on faith (or rather the "trust me I know from what I can make you do ..."). Yet some people seem to have a clear idea of what is' natural and what is not'....
I grew up in the 80s ... in those years in school where they spoke so convincingly of the fight against racism ... and all in all this campaign has paid off ...
now nothing can be said against someone of different religion, even if the Point out that the crotch open ... you can not say no to a Moroccan in the carrefour pargheggio you want to sell a package of socks strength tubular in August when you're shooting in thongs ...
yet a part of society where it seems that there should remain locked up in their homes ... because it is better not to see it to avoid having to accept its existence ... the part of citizens that the church insists on not recognizing, in my opinion even falling in the offense of incitement to racism!
It 's time to wake up .. to stop being hypocrites Italian!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Erase Voice Soundforge
First They ignore you. They then laugh at you. They then fight you. Then you win.
beginning they ignore you. Maybe you've caught an old computer into a flea market. Or do you have saved from destruction, taking it from your friend, or colleague. Old stuff. Bad graphics card. Oh no, not 3D games, with that junk. Imagine if those 128 megs of RAM you can go to Vista! Friends do not understand and leave you to your destiny.
Recover a Linux version and you can make it go even on an old machine and understaffed. Learn. Discover new things. You begin to do away with proprietary software. Who wants to import the choices instead of you free.
Then they laugh at you.
Linux? And what do you do with Linux? But there is on Internet Explorer? But there does Excel? Excel does not work if there is no use ... because, instead of throwing time with the penguins, do not waste a bit 'of stolen software? Where are you going with that thing?
Meanwhile, with that thing, go. Learn how to customize the interface. Find out what you can navigate and move to the network securely. A dominant Shell command at a time. With patience you realize that you can work on the program source, and install exactly what you want. You start to be more interested in video card drivers that the video cards.
Then they fight you.
fear. Teachers, for example. Network administrators in the office. or envy. The friends, who suddenly discovers to learn much less. As a family, if there is a father, a sister, a cousin who realizes he's left behind. People know to be bad, to defend against what is unknown. In University you have to use Access. In the office you use Office. At home you have to use Windows. Devi. Devi. Devi. If you are not bad grades. Looks suspicious to the coffee machine. Hostility in the family. ("Why waste space with all the MP3s we could keep up that record?"). Meanwhile, go ahead. More communication protocols. The depths of the operating system. Understand why the virus hit. Or why is important backup. Are you using the computer. The others are used by the computer.
Then you win.
You are master of the instrument. They are slaves of the instrument. And you can play too if you like. As well as listening to music. Or do video. Or 3D.
It seems that the phrase we have mentioned has been from the Gandhi. The uiomo that, unarmed, India has released the English occupation. There is no need that we all become martyrs of freedom. But working for the benefit of our knowledge is a good thing. We go forward. We learn. Grow. We are liberated.
If someone is ignoring you. Is laughing at you. We're fighting. Grit your teeth and smile. You're on your way.
Copyright by hackerjournal.
First They ignore you. They then laugh at you. They then fight you. Then you win.
beginning they ignore you. Maybe you've caught an old computer into a flea market. Or do you have saved from destruction, taking it from your friend, or colleague. Old stuff. Bad graphics card. Oh no, not 3D games, with that junk. Imagine if those 128 megs of RAM you can go to Vista! Friends do not understand and leave you to your destiny.
Recover a Linux version and you can make it go even on an old machine and understaffed. Learn. Discover new things. You begin to do away with proprietary software. Who wants to import the choices instead of you free.
Then they laugh at you.
Linux? And what do you do with Linux? But there is on Internet Explorer? But there does Excel? Excel does not work if there is no use ... because, instead of throwing time with the penguins, do not waste a bit 'of stolen software? Where are you going with that thing?
Meanwhile, with that thing, go. Learn how to customize the interface. Find out what you can navigate and move to the network securely. A dominant Shell command at a time. With patience you realize that you can work on the program source, and install exactly what you want. You start to be more interested in video card drivers that the video cards.
Then they fight you.
fear. Teachers, for example. Network administrators in the office. or envy. The friends, who suddenly discovers to learn much less. As a family, if there is a father, a sister, a cousin who realizes he's left behind. People know to be bad, to defend against what is unknown. In University you have to use Access. In the office you use Office. At home you have to use Windows. Devi. Devi. Devi. If you are not bad grades. Looks suspicious to the coffee machine. Hostility in the family. ("Why waste space with all the MP3s we could keep up that record?"). Meanwhile, go ahead. More communication protocols. The depths of the operating system. Understand why the virus hit. Or why is important backup. Are you using the computer. The others are used by the computer.
Then you win.
You are master of the instrument. They are slaves of the instrument. And you can play too if you like. As well as listening to music. Or do video. Or 3D.
It seems that the phrase we have mentioned has been from the Gandhi. The uiomo that, unarmed, India has released the English occupation. There is no need that we all become martyrs of freedom. But working for the benefit of our knowledge is a good thing. We go forward. We learn. Grow. We are liberated.
If someone is ignoring you. Is laughing at you. We're fighting. Grit your teeth and smile. You're on your way.
Copyright by hackerjournal.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Does Capturing With Imovie Compress
For lovers of security today is also an online course!
The title says it all, namely: "the attack is the best form of defense"
And it is true ... when it comes to defend themselves must act!
I downloaded the curriculum, I do not have money to do the course online, however, since the program will try to follow it step by step using google.
The offensive-security is also an association formed by the team of remote-exploit ie the creators of the backtrack linux distro .... for real geeks!
For those who do not know it is a distribution based on slackware, slax + whax made.
And it is the perfect distro for the penetration test .... in fact it contains a number of advanced security ... let us say, hot stuff ...
fact that the hacking courses offensive-security features, are the basis of backtrack, because it does not tell the student to install various programs, but simply to install backtrack linux which already includes all the tools of the trade.
I have already downloaded the Live CD, put it in the VM when I have the Mac in June, but I can already tell that I'm having a ball!
Other Links: Here
driving on backtrack linux:
And here is the official website of backtrack:
Obviously you know that the offensive-security and remote-exploits are one thing ... and who work in correspondence with milw0rm, the site contains the largest collection of exploits, vulnerabilities, and shellcode of the Web !
For lovers of security today is also an online course!
The title says it all, namely: "the attack is the best form of defense"
And it is true ... when it comes to defend themselves must act!
I downloaded the curriculum, I do not have money to do the course online, however, since the program will try to follow it step by step using google.
The offensive-security is also an association formed by the team of remote-exploit ie the creators of the backtrack linux distro .... for real geeks!
For those who do not know it is a distribution based on slackware, slax + whax made.
And it is the perfect distro for the penetration test .... in fact it contains a number of advanced security ... let us say, hot stuff ...
fact that the hacking courses offensive-security features, are the basis of backtrack, because it does not tell the student to install various programs, but simply to install backtrack linux which already includes all the tools of the trade.
I have already downloaded the Live CD, put it in the VM when I have the Mac in June, but I can already tell that I'm having a ball!
Other Links: Here
driving on backtrack linux:
And here is the official website of backtrack:
Obviously you know that the offensive-security and remote-exploits are one thing ... and who work in correspondence with milw0rm, the site contains the largest collection of exploits, vulnerabilities, and shellcode of the Web !
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Difference Dot Sheraton
what I want. Click
What is freedom? Do what I want, I said one. And when you're free? When I want to, he said.
I have a different opinion. The true freedom we must earn. And we'll make a lot of effort.
The reason is simple. As soon as there is freedom, if someone takes advantage. As soon as you take advantage of the freedom disappears. Who takes advantage collapses freedoms of others. Those who take advantage is an asshole.
Last week I discovered that a U.S. telephone company offered a free SMS with a yahoo widget. For Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. I tried it. It worked. It 'lasted three days. Then they stopped.
Mica for everyone. Suspended for the Italians. Someone took advantage of the widget. He tried to send dozens of SMS for free. Perhaps hundreds. Bravo. Good shit. Now we are left without. Do not speak anymore of that widget. I'm sick to click on a link and see that it opens a popup. I do not want a popup. I want to visit that link. In the window that I opened. Not what someone else wants.
I say, disable the popup. But is not freedom. It hit at the stadium? Do not go to the stadium. It 's a solution to avoid being hit. But is not freedom. E 'slavery. Slaves of the assholes who go to the stadium to beat. Slaves of assholes that open pop-ups.
Freedom is more like certain things about google. Type Gmail, someone asked two calls using two different addresses. But you forgive. No one tried to take advantage of it. So a lot of people had an invitation. When Gmail was born, a site to try to take advantage of it. Collected from all calls. A migliaglia. To make a big deal. Google has made them stop. Result: no one has profited more than Gmail. End result: Gmail is now free. Just go to the site and register. The calls are no longer needed. Take advantage of something is to kill the freedom of others. Doing the right thing for the other is to increase their freedom. Doing the right thing for themselves is to kill the freedom of all. And to be assholes.
Freedom is not doing what I want. And 'do the right thing for everyone. Even if people do not understand. Even if they call you because you do criminal hacking. If that thing goes to the benefit of all, you're a hacker. You are great. If you need only to you, is not freedom. Freedom is not doing what I want. And 'I want to do. For everyone.
Copyright by hackerjournal
What is freedom? Do what I want, I said one. And when you're free? When I want to, he said.
I have a different opinion. The true freedom we must earn. And we'll make a lot of effort.
The reason is simple. As soon as there is freedom, if someone takes advantage. As soon as you take advantage of the freedom disappears. Who takes advantage collapses freedoms of others. Those who take advantage is an asshole.
Last week I discovered that a U.S. telephone company offered a free SMS with a yahoo widget. For Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. I tried it. It worked. It 'lasted three days. Then they stopped.
Mica for everyone. Suspended for the Italians. Someone took advantage of the widget. He tried to send dozens of SMS for free. Perhaps hundreds. Bravo. Good shit. Now we are left without. Do not speak anymore of that widget. I'm sick to click on a link and see that it opens a popup. I do not want a popup. I want to visit that link. In the window that I opened. Not what someone else wants.
I say, disable the popup. But is not freedom. It hit at the stadium? Do not go to the stadium. It 's a solution to avoid being hit. But is not freedom. E 'slavery. Slaves of the assholes who go to the stadium to beat. Slaves of assholes that open pop-ups.
Freedom is more like certain things about google. Type Gmail, someone asked two calls using two different addresses. But you forgive. No one tried to take advantage of it. So a lot of people had an invitation. When Gmail was born, a site to try to take advantage of it. Collected from all calls. A migliaglia. To make a big deal. Google has made them stop. Result: no one has profited more than Gmail. End result: Gmail is now free. Just go to the site and register. The calls are no longer needed. Take advantage of something is to kill the freedom of others. Doing the right thing for the other is to increase their freedom. Doing the right thing for themselves is to kill the freedom of all. And to be assholes.
Freedom is not doing what I want. And 'do the right thing for everyone. Even if people do not understand. Even if they call you because you do criminal hacking. If that thing goes to the benefit of all, you're a hacker. You are great. If you need only to you, is not freedom. Freedom is not doing what I want. And 'I want to do. For everyone.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Monday, February 26, 2007
Can I Put A Pre Lightener On Red Hair
Open. O closed
How to swing. Now you're there. Now you're here. Wherever you are, an irresistible force takes you away. In between there are only the ones still.
Still there can be none. And if you move, you have two possibilities.
Closed. O open.
Find google. Open. When organizing summer camps for kids who want to improve programming. Closed. Licks his feet when the Chinese dictatorship.
and agree to censor searches.
Microsoft Watch. Open. Timidly. Experiments to open source. Blog
employees. New technologies. Closed. Closed. Closed. On the rest.
Watch Internet. Open. With Web 2.0 and AJAX technologies allow other cool stuff. Pages that are self. Interactivity. Closed. The same Web 2.0 which increases interactivity brings new attacks.
So far too little has. Everyone does what he wants.
The problem we Porcel us. Open or closed.
What we want to do that Hacker describes.
Or else.
open or closed. Enter the chat. Attend the newsgroup. Meet people. Discuss in the Forums. Meet friends and girlfriends. Contributing to the community. Stay open. Or keep quiet. Give in to fear. Or the false security given by the semi-darkness. Stay closed and not talk to people we might protect against some risks. But it cuts out. The people who talk goes on.
open or closed. Networking what we have to bear. The programs we write. The music we play. Photos of our lives. Our stories. Our will to live. Even with one page typed in "hello".
Open. Or living expenses. Spend the time to download. Never give anything in return. Not even a line to say thanks. Worse plants. The plant their roots in the ground and spend their lives nurturing download. But eventually bear fruit.
Or at least flowers. What we make is made disposizioneda someone. We do our part.
open or closed. Even with the brain. Willing to understand. Learn. Reveal. Discover. Experiment. Open. Or depend on others. No google. Nothing Nothing Nothing howto. No tutorial. No evidence. Nothing fatigue. Nothing.
Wait for someone to give us an answer. Effortlessly become slaves.
open or closed. In life we can be many things. Depends on the part where we start. Knowing that it is a swing. Feel an irresistible force that pulls us away. We know how to stay open anyway. To begin, in our small, with the software.
Copyright by hackerjournal
How to swing. Now you're there. Now you're here. Wherever you are, an irresistible force takes you away. In between there are only the ones still.
Still there can be none. And if you move, you have two possibilities.
Closed. O open.
Find google. Open. When organizing summer camps for kids who want to improve programming. Closed. Licks his feet when the Chinese dictatorship.
and agree to censor searches.
Microsoft Watch. Open. Timidly. Experiments to open source. Blog
employees. New technologies. Closed. Closed. Closed. On the rest.
Watch Internet. Open. With Web 2.0 and AJAX technologies allow other cool stuff. Pages that are self. Interactivity. Closed. The same Web 2.0 which increases interactivity brings new attacks.
So far too little has. Everyone does what he wants.
The problem we Porcel us. Open or closed.
What we want to do that Hacker describes.
Or else.
open or closed. Enter the chat. Attend the newsgroup. Meet people. Discuss in the Forums. Meet friends and girlfriends. Contributing to the community. Stay open. Or keep quiet. Give in to fear. Or the false security given by the semi-darkness. Stay closed and not talk to people we might protect against some risks. But it cuts out. The people who talk goes on.
open or closed. Networking what we have to bear. The programs we write. The music we play. Photos of our lives. Our stories. Our will to live. Even with one page typed in "hello".
Open. Or living expenses. Spend the time to download. Never give anything in return. Not even a line to say thanks. Worse plants. The plant their roots in the ground and spend their lives nurturing download. But eventually bear fruit.
Or at least flowers. What we make is made disposizioneda someone. We do our part.
open or closed. Even with the brain. Willing to understand. Learn. Reveal. Discover. Experiment. Open. Or depend on others. No google. Nothing Nothing Nothing howto. No tutorial. No evidence. Nothing fatigue. Nothing.
Wait for someone to give us an answer. Effortlessly become slaves.
open or closed. In life we can be many things. Depends on the part where we start. Knowing that it is a swing. Feel an irresistible force that pulls us away. We know how to stay open anyway. To begin, in our small, with the software.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Looking For Foam Party Hats
Learning and unlearning
Top 10 Things to unlearn Linux:
1 - It is no longer required restart.
2 - No need to close them if you install something.
3 - No need for antivirus and antispyware.
4 - There are many more programs than you think. Free.
5 - No need to approve a license agreement punitive.
6 - software and hardware often configure themselves.
7 - The benefits remain the same over time.
8 - There is a defragmentation tool. You do not need.
9 - The equivalent of the Start menu is grouped into logical categories.
10 - Computer, software and music is yours.
Note: with Windows, things are different.
Elsewhere we have:
10 things to learn about Linux:
1 - Clipboard automatic (by clicking with the mouse buttons).
2 - multiple desktops.
3 - If there is a problem, look in your error logs.
4 - Expect to automate operations and Autoexpect very long.
5 - DXCP, utility experts for remote support.
6 - Linux alternatives to Windows.
7 - Autocomplete commands. As in the Shell.
8 - Command History. Also in the Shell.
9 - Man is man's best friend who uses Linux.
10 - Pico and Nano Editor: text editor, powerful, simple and always ready.
are not the ten points. And 'the courage to forget. Sometimes we are content with what we know. We are scared to try. We have no time. Instead we discover a great truth: you must unlearn, to make a leap forward.
free ourselves of the habits of what we take for granted. Regardless of beliefs. Any thoughts too easy. Switching to Linux is an experience. But if we continue to think of Windows, we lose time. Reverse is also true, of course. Indeed, it is a life lesson. Some scientists call it creative destruction. To a hacker is a great act of courage. For all others is often an insurmountable obstacle.
Should go wrong, we can choose between two ways. Much better than staying for the whole life with one. Maybe read the Romans. Alone. Think about it.
1 - It is no longer required restart.
2 - No need to close them if you install something.
3 - No need for antivirus and antispyware.
4 - There are many more programs than you think. Free.
5 - No need to approve a license agreement punitive.
6 - software and hardware often configure themselves.
7 - The benefits remain the same over time.
8 - There is a defragmentation tool. You do not need.
9 - The equivalent of the Start menu is grouped into logical categories.
10 - Computer, software and music is yours.
Note: with Windows, things are different.
Elsewhere we have:
10 things to learn about Linux:
1 - Clipboard automatic (by clicking with the mouse buttons).
2 - multiple desktops.
3 - If there is a problem, look in your error logs.
4 - Expect to automate operations and Autoexpect very long.
5 - DXCP, utility experts for remote support.
6 - Linux alternatives to Windows.
7 - Autocomplete commands. As in the Shell.
8 - Command History. Also in the Shell.
9 - Man is man's best friend who uses Linux.
10 - Pico and Nano Editor: text editor, powerful, simple and always ready.
are not the ten points. And 'the courage to forget. Sometimes we are content with what we know. We are scared to try. We have no time. Instead we discover a great truth: you must unlearn, to make a leap forward.
free ourselves of the habits of what we take for granted. Regardless of beliefs. Any thoughts too easy. Switching to Linux is an experience. But if we continue to think of Windows, we lose time. Reverse is also true, of course. Indeed, it is a life lesson. Some scientists call it creative destruction. To a hacker is a great act of courage. For all others is often an insurmountable obstacle.
Should go wrong, we can choose between two ways. Much better than staying for the whole life with one. Maybe read the Romans. Alone. Think about it.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Mobile Spray Tan Companynames
Those jerks ...
not force you to change your future groped for fear of discovering that you do not want to have freedom ...
We have a problem. We have a world of hidden knowledge. Computer. Systems. Networks. Software. Not only that computer. Gears. Materials. Mechanisms. Understanding how things work is increasingly difficult. Why things work is increasingly hidden. Understanding how things work sempe becomes more essential. If you do not know how things work, you are a slave. If you can not install two operating systems, you are obliged to use one. You are free when you know how it works. There is to be studied. Wrong. Learning from mistakes. Be curious. But anyone who knows how it works. This is half the job Hacker. Then there's the other half. More necessary. More more essential.
We live in a world of zombies. People do not ask questions. He just wants to use objects. And being a slave. Computer. Phones. Televisions. Refrigerators. Vehicles. Almost no one asks how they work. And 'the other half of the job. First we must open our eyes. When we open them, open your eyes to people. Explain how it works. Show that the zombies can live. Be curious. Learn. Wake up a zombie is difficult. It 'not trained to react. School years. Years of work. Taught him to turn off your brain.
Live better without question.
must touch his curiosity. That 's where he sleeps. Hidden. Somewhere. The direct approach is difficult. They are frightened. Retire. Insult you. You laugh at. Those who laugh are the worst. They laugh because they are afraid. Fear of discovering to be slaves. We must sting. At some point they are most vulnerable. Pride. Exhibitionism. Photos. Call us free on Skype. Somewhere there's an excuse. Affects them. Approach timid or arrogant (of shyness). Try something new. They are interested. They discover something. They want more. Ask. Read. Learn. See how it works. Become Hacker. One thousand. The other draw back. Laugh louder than before. They pretend not to. It does not matter. We need to find that one in a thousand. E 'precious. Will save us all. For the other nine hundred ninety-nine the hackers who have close is just noise. A threat. If all goes well, a nuisance. The Hacker knows. With patience. With tenacity. Moves from one location to another, and a zombie in a thousand. We need hackers.
need people to wake up millions of zombies. Serve nuisance.
Copyright by hackerjournal
not force you to change your future groped for fear of discovering that you do not want to have freedom ...
We have a problem. We have a world of hidden knowledge. Computer. Systems. Networks. Software. Not only that computer. Gears. Materials. Mechanisms. Understanding how things work is increasingly difficult. Why things work is increasingly hidden. Understanding how things work sempe becomes more essential. If you do not know how things work, you are a slave. If you can not install two operating systems, you are obliged to use one. You are free when you know how it works. There is to be studied. Wrong. Learning from mistakes. Be curious. But anyone who knows how it works. This is half the job Hacker. Then there's the other half. More necessary. More more essential.
We live in a world of zombies. People do not ask questions. He just wants to use objects. And being a slave. Computer. Phones. Televisions. Refrigerators. Vehicles. Almost no one asks how they work. And 'the other half of the job. First we must open our eyes. When we open them, open your eyes to people. Explain how it works. Show that the zombies can live. Be curious. Learn. Wake up a zombie is difficult. It 'not trained to react. School years. Years of work. Taught him to turn off your brain.
Live better without question.
must touch his curiosity. That 's where he sleeps. Hidden. Somewhere. The direct approach is difficult. They are frightened. Retire. Insult you. You laugh at. Those who laugh are the worst. They laugh because they are afraid. Fear of discovering to be slaves. We must sting. At some point they are most vulnerable. Pride. Exhibitionism. Photos. Call us free on Skype. Somewhere there's an excuse. Affects them. Approach timid or arrogant (of shyness). Try something new. They are interested. They discover something. They want more. Ask. Read. Learn. See how it works. Become Hacker. One thousand. The other draw back. Laugh louder than before. They pretend not to. It does not matter. We need to find that one in a thousand. E 'precious. Will save us all. For the other nine hundred ninety-nine the hackers who have close is just noise. A threat. If all goes well, a nuisance. The Hacker knows. With patience. With tenacity. Moves from one location to another, and a zombie in a thousand. We need hackers.
need people to wake up millions of zombies. Serve nuisance.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Anbesol Pregnant Women
That someone special ...
There are IT companies. They are real giants in this field continues to grow. Supply and demand, they say. It seems that these criteria are based on data, research, analysis. What is true is that those in power is able to shape the rules to your liking. Impose monopolies. Recommend standard. We are witnessing a sort of new colonization.
a movement of conquest from the perspective economic, technological and cultural. This is something that goes beyond globalization, although it is often advocate and author.
The fact is that someone comes along and, using its power, is able to impose their will, their beliefs, who live on islands happy but need new tools to improve. So here it is: you have all the software package?
You must install this. Do you want the new processor, the new program, new technologies? You have this operating system, this type of antivirus, but this browser.
Even if there are things that taxes tend to generate more problems than should in fact solve. It does not matter, because those who brought products which then cause problems, will certainly be happy to sell us the tools with which, at least in theory, remove the chestnuts from the fire, in a spiral of targeted purchases, which not only force us to pay large sums not does nothing but continue to be bound by the same retail chain that gives profit to those who already are rich and powerful.
So what?
So, in these happy isles, it appears someone who speaks with a voice out of place compared to the general murmur.
E 'someone who says things and does things that seem to go against so-called "common sense" suggested by those who want to impose our main ideas to the masses. Someone who is not traceable. A mysterious figure often for the mass of people so-called "normal" and that, therefore, is mythologized or criminalized. That someone knows the secret codes and symbols that speak without listening to the enemy, mastering the same technologies that would require someone without being a slave, because it is able to give up an instrument, if it finds a better one, provided not be able to improve himself. He acts without fixed ideas, keeps his eyes open, your mind is always open, always ready to Valur the opportunity to question, to ask ... out of curiosity. That someone is often very young. Or old.
Almost never manages to distract the masses from the spell. Many are happy to hear the voice of the enchantress commercials and infomercials. But instead almost always fails to open the eyes of someone.
some heads turn, some ears hear. Some minds recognize the truth. Until a child comes to pointing the finger and shouting "Hey, the emperor is naked."
That someone is a hacker.
Copyright by hackerjournal
There are IT companies. They are real giants in this field continues to grow. Supply and demand, they say. It seems that these criteria are based on data, research, analysis. What is true is that those in power is able to shape the rules to your liking. Impose monopolies. Recommend standard. We are witnessing a sort of new colonization.
a movement of conquest from the perspective economic, technological and cultural. This is something that goes beyond globalization, although it is often advocate and author.
The fact is that someone comes along and, using its power, is able to impose their will, their beliefs, who live on islands happy but need new tools to improve. So here it is: you have all the software package?
You must install this. Do you want the new processor, the new program, new technologies? You have this operating system, this type of antivirus, but this browser.
Even if there are things that taxes tend to generate more problems than should in fact solve. It does not matter, because those who brought products which then cause problems, will certainly be happy to sell us the tools with which, at least in theory, remove the chestnuts from the fire, in a spiral of targeted purchases, which not only force us to pay large sums not does nothing but continue to be bound by the same retail chain that gives profit to those who already are rich and powerful.
So what?
So, in these happy isles, it appears someone who speaks with a voice out of place compared to the general murmur.
E 'someone who says things and does things that seem to go against so-called "common sense" suggested by those who want to impose our main ideas to the masses. Someone who is not traceable. A mysterious figure often for the mass of people so-called "normal" and that, therefore, is mythologized or criminalized. That someone knows the secret codes and symbols that speak without listening to the enemy, mastering the same technologies that would require someone without being a slave, because it is able to give up an instrument, if it finds a better one, provided not be able to improve himself. He acts without fixed ideas, keeps his eyes open, your mind is always open, always ready to Valur the opportunity to question, to ask ... out of curiosity. That someone is often very young. Or old.
Almost never manages to distract the masses from the spell. Many are happy to hear the voice of the enchantress commercials and infomercials. But instead almost always fails to open the eyes of someone.
some heads turn, some ears hear. Some minds recognize the truth. Until a child comes to pointing the finger and shouting "Hey, the emperor is naked."
That someone is a hacker.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Embroided Wholesale Towels
The point of no return ...
Women are sometimes quite resolved. Sometimes I'm undecided about everything. They seem lost in doubt. Suddenly something happens. And decide. Women are strange. And big. However
know something we do not know. In their think there is a point. A point of no return. Do not agree. Hesitate. Danger. They make us angry. Then it happens. It is past the point. And decide how unstoppable. As the snowball starts rolling. Past the point of no return, is an avalanche.
Our relationship with the computer is full of points of no return. Sometimes important points. Sometimes stupid. Sometimes complicated. Sometimes simple. Format that disk. Download that program. Or change everything. Buy a PC instead of a Mac buy a Mac instead of a PC. Throw away everything and only use Free Software. Changing computer. Learning a language. Discover a different program. Trust in a chat. Or do not trust. More IRC and less text messages. Or vice versa.
As usual, women have understood before us. Indecision is fine. Looking back is OK.
spring up shoulder is a good thing. Think carefully makes a long life. All true. But there must be a point of no return.
to rub is not ignorance or inability. Either English is lacking. Or the money they are not there. Or the time, never enough. A trick us really, ruthless, and indecision.
We must recognize the point of no return. Learning from women. Hesitation at all, okay. Past the point of no return, the decision is made.
We do not know English? It does not matter. Not going back. It brings out the vocabulary. It smadonna up each term. Grit your teeth. But in the end we make it. We want to switch to Free Software? Let's dive. Pain, loss data. Finding things that we do not know. Smadonneremo in Chat. Forums. Documentation. Lose nights to understand. And, damn it, we will understand.
We wake up the next morning bruised and tired. Happy and excited. We will know something more. We will have something better. We will be one step ahead. We will know more than the day before. We will make a difference, at school, at work, at home.
The tipping point is in front of them. We see it clearly. It 's the fear of leaning that we care. Sporgiamoci. Sporchiamoci hands. We will win.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Women are sometimes quite resolved. Sometimes I'm undecided about everything. They seem lost in doubt. Suddenly something happens. And decide. Women are strange. And big. However
know something we do not know. In their think there is a point. A point of no return. Do not agree. Hesitate. Danger. They make us angry. Then it happens. It is past the point. And decide how unstoppable. As the snowball starts rolling. Past the point of no return, is an avalanche.
Our relationship with the computer is full of points of no return. Sometimes important points. Sometimes stupid. Sometimes complicated. Sometimes simple. Format that disk. Download that program. Or change everything. Buy a PC instead of a Mac buy a Mac instead of a PC. Throw away everything and only use Free Software. Changing computer. Learning a language. Discover a different program. Trust in a chat. Or do not trust. More IRC and less text messages. Or vice versa.
As usual, women have understood before us. Indecision is fine. Looking back is OK.
spring up shoulder is a good thing. Think carefully makes a long life. All true. But there must be a point of no return.
to rub is not ignorance or inability. Either English is lacking. Or the money they are not there. Or the time, never enough. A trick us really, ruthless, and indecision.
We must recognize the point of no return. Learning from women. Hesitation at all, okay. Past the point of no return, the decision is made.
We do not know English? It does not matter. Not going back. It brings out the vocabulary. It smadonna up each term. Grit your teeth. But in the end we make it. We want to switch to Free Software? Let's dive. Pain, loss data. Finding things that we do not know. Smadonneremo in Chat. Forums. Documentation. Lose nights to understand. And, damn it, we will understand.
We wake up the next morning bruised and tired. Happy and excited. We will know something more. We will have something better. We will be one step ahead. We will know more than the day before. We will make a difference, at school, at work, at home.
The tipping point is in front of them. We see it clearly. It 's the fear of leaning that we care. Sporgiamoci. Sporchiamoci hands. We will win.
Copyright by hackerjournal
Jp Soul Silver R4 Cheat
Remember that you must die ...
If you happen to hear a conversation on the phone by mistake, be careful.
not say anything. Or you will pay the consequences. If
intercepts one hundred and sixty thousand people a year and you call the government, do not worry. Maybe even increase the connection fees.
If at a party a friend of yours lights a joint, and if you're closer than 10 meters. worried. If the police stop you and you still smell him, sprouts are bitter.
If you are an elected official, take ten thousand euro per month and you can take all the substances you want. If the police stop you and you're wearing the scent, I greet you and escort military. Steps also through a red light.
If you tell a lie big as a house in the office, at school, home, is likely to ruin your life.
If you tell a lie big as the Moon in a political campaign and you, all you give pats on the back. If you happen to win the election, you can also raise taxes.
If you do not keep the flakes with a firewall on your Windows computer and getting caught by a virus, you manage.
If you are the system administrator of the City of Milan and there are a hundred Windows machines with a virus, they shut down for three days and ten thousand you blame your assistants. Meanwhile, to fend for themselves is the people who need a certificate.
If you download MP3 because you lent the CD to a friend, and at that moment you knock on the door of Finance, you have to sell the house to pay the fine that you fastened her.
If you are a famous singer, every year you copy a piece of the unknown singer, we're doing millions and topped the charts.
If you use Windows Vista, depending on the version you wish you could also pull out three hundred euro.
If you are Microsoft, you can also ask for three hundred € for Windows Vista and leave it full of holes that even the pan to the chestnuts.
If you're not a hacker, you're defenseless against the privileged bullies a thousand waiting to be able to do what you want. Possibly meatballs. Remember that you must die.
If you are a hacker, you have a mission. Serve and protect the community.
There are too many bullies around.
Copyright by hakerjournal
If you happen to hear a conversation on the phone by mistake, be careful.
not say anything. Or you will pay the consequences. If
intercepts one hundred and sixty thousand people a year and you call the government, do not worry. Maybe even increase the connection fees.
If at a party a friend of yours lights a joint, and if you're closer than 10 meters. worried. If the police stop you and you still smell him, sprouts are bitter.
If you are an elected official, take ten thousand euro per month and you can take all the substances you want. If the police stop you and you're wearing the scent, I greet you and escort military. Steps also through a red light.
If you tell a lie big as a house in the office, at school, home, is likely to ruin your life.
If you tell a lie big as the Moon in a political campaign and you, all you give pats on the back. If you happen to win the election, you can also raise taxes.
If you do not keep the flakes with a firewall on your Windows computer and getting caught by a virus, you manage.
If you are the system administrator of the City of Milan and there are a hundred Windows machines with a virus, they shut down for three days and ten thousand you blame your assistants. Meanwhile, to fend for themselves is the people who need a certificate.
If you download MP3 because you lent the CD to a friend, and at that moment you knock on the door of Finance, you have to sell the house to pay the fine that you fastened her.
If you are a famous singer, every year you copy a piece of the unknown singer, we're doing millions and topped the charts.
If you use Windows Vista, depending on the version you wish you could also pull out three hundred euro.
If you are Microsoft, you can also ask for three hundred € for Windows Vista and leave it full of holes that even the pan to the chestnuts.
If you're not a hacker, you're defenseless against the privileged bullies a thousand waiting to be able to do what you want. Possibly meatballs. Remember that you must die.
If you are a hacker, you have a mission. Serve and protect the community.
There are too many bullies around.
Copyright by hakerjournal
Monday, February 5, 2007
Labeled Diagram Of A Courthouse
The Hacker Manifesto: Inglese
Hacker Manifesto: Inglese Versione
This is the English version of the Manifesto by The Mentor, The Hacker Manifesto is originally English, in the previous post has been translated into Italian. Here is the original version.
What Is This Antique?
Hacker Version: The Official Poster
+ + + The Mentor + + +
Hacker Manifesto
It was another caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering" ...
Damned kids. They're all alike.
But did you, with your psychology and your money by two techno-brain from the 50's, look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him has shaped, what can it forged?
I am a hacker, enter my world ...
Mine is a world that begins with school ... I'm smarter than many other guys
This crap they teach us bores me ...
Move ... I do not have all day!
Damn underdeveloped. They're all alike.
I speak in a creative way ... I'm trying to find an alternative ... I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand. "No, Ms. Smith, I did not show my work.
's all in my head ..."
Damn kid. Probably copied it .............. They're all alike.
I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is incredible. It does exactly what I want. If you make a mistake, because I was wrong, not because I do not like me ...
or because they feel threatened by me ...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass ...
Or does not like teaching and would not be here .. .
Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.
Then something happened ... a door opened to a world ... scrolling through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the incompetent per day has been found ... card was discovered.
This is ... this is where I belong ... "
I know everyone here ... even if we never met, never talked, it can Maybe I will not have heard from them yet ... I know all.
Damn kid. It is connected to the phone line again. They're all alike.
Move ... I do not have all day!
You bet your ass we're all alike ... we have been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak ... mouthfuls of food that you have given us had already been chewed and tasteless.
We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.
The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but
those few are like drops of water in the desert.
Now this is our world ... the electron and the world switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing
that costs nothing if it was not run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals.
We explore ... and you call us criminals.
We seek after knowledge ... and you call us criminals.
We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is my curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, and not what they seem. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forget my name.
Move ... I do not have all day!
I am a hacker and this is my manifesto. You may stop me, but you can not stop us all ... after all, we are all equal ................................ right?
Damned kids. They're all alike.
But did you, with your psychology and your money by two techno-brain from the 50's, look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him has shaped, what can it forged?
I am a hacker, enter my world ...
Mine is a world that begins with school ... I'm smarter than many other guys
This crap they teach us bores me ...
Move ... I do not have all day!
Damn underdeveloped. They're all alike.
I speak in a creative way ... I'm trying to find an alternative ... I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand. "No, Ms. Smith, I did not show my work.
's all in my head ..."
Damn kid. Probably copied it .............. They're all alike.
I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is incredible. It does exactly what I want. If you make a mistake, because I was wrong, not because I do not like me ...
or because they feel threatened by me ...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass ...
Or does not like teaching and would not be here .. .
Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike.
Then something happened ... a door opened to a world ... scrolling through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the incompetent per day has been found ... card was discovered.
This is ... this is where I belong ... "
I know everyone here ... even if we never met, never talked, it can Maybe I will not have heard from them yet ... I know all.
Damn kid. It is connected to the phone line again. They're all alike.
Move ... I do not have all day!
You bet your ass we're all alike ... we have been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak ... mouthfuls of food that you have given us had already been chewed and tasteless.
We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.
The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but
those few are like drops of water in the desert.
Now this is our world ... the electron and the world switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing
that costs nothing if it was not run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals.
We explore ... and you call us criminals.
We seek after knowledge ... and you call us criminals.
We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is my curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, and not what they seem. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forget my name.
Move ... I do not have all day!
I am a hacker and this is my manifesto. You may stop me, but you can not stop us all ... after all, we are all equal ................................ right?
+ + + The Mentor + + +
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