Monday, November 5, 2007

Clip Art De Los Powers Rangers

PSOCOTTERI !!!!!!!!!!!!

Now ... I'll tell you a scary thing ... a story that nobody wants to be the protagonist because he has the macabre and horror inside ...

one morning our hero, who for privacy call "ME", wakes up and decides to go, as usual, to the toilet and play the DS while at the same time carry out its needs solid.

ME open the DS and note 4 small white dots that move and that logically seem to insects. What seems strange to me that he decided to check the shelf on which he had supported the DS. Note that there is full of bugs ... like me start to worry ... but I had no idea ancora conto della dimensione del probbbblema... piano piano controllando la camera nota che NESSUN PUNTO di essa è esente da quei maledetti insettucoli....LA CAMERA NE E' INVASA...

e quando dico invasa dico proprio DOVUNQUE!!! muri, mobili, cassetti... addirittura ME ne trova uno dentro un cassetto, dentro a una busta per CD mai aperta!!!
ME non li aveva mai notati perchè sono troppo piccoli, bianchi e l'unico modo per vederli è osservare attentamente la superficie incriminata a 20 cm di distanza...


ME comincia a pulire il muro come un forsennato ma sono talmente tanti che dopo neanche un ora questi lo hanno nuovamente invaso impadronendosene ...

ME cerca su internet information on these be horrible ... and find something ...

PSOCOTTERI ... it is also known as Flea of the books ...

the cause is probably the presence of mold! and in fact, unfortunately the camera is facing north of ME and this, in addition to causing the worst weather of the whole house, is also the reason why it may be mold on the wall ...

here and then met the enemy and his weaknesses, you start on the offensive!

ME can only move from the closet yet with all the things inside (3 x 3.5 m of pure weight!) And located behind a wall of mold ...

ME cleans the wall by mildew and PSOCOTTERI and then gives a first coat of paint heat.

the next day and the next, ME cleans the locker can remove all traces of dirt and insects. Cleans, one by one, his clothes and books, seals and other haunted things clearly. ME

hours worked is tired and will go to sleep. Tomorrow awaits another quick cleaning cycle and a second coat of paint on the wall.