[Pimping] across the board! ♥ New Challenge Marauders Archive: "across the board!" ♥
adoratissimi Hi people! We came back with a new contest dedicated to everyone who writes and who is not. How is this possible? Find out by reading! * O *
First of all to participate must have two fundamental requirements: 1
. Be enrolled in the
Marauders Archive 2. Have a blog or any personal space, to example
Livejournal or on any other platform.
The reason is obvious: the first will be the one on which the contest will take place, the second will be needed to keep track of your progress.
WHAT IS IT? This contest is designed to reward the most prolific author of all, the one that will produce more material in the defined time duration.
The challenge is for all and will consist of ALL the fandom, so you can write about what you want. It is a fact that not everyone likes to write, like other comment or review. So we thought them too * O *
The categories that you can participate and there are three limit, meaning that you can participate in one, as all three.
category 1 - fanfiction : the classic of classics, or post fan fiction and original stories. The stories will be posted in the archive exhaustively, that is not published elsewhere or link and nothing else.
class 2 - COMMENTS: 'll reward those who will post more comments to stories on the Marauders Archive.
A comment must be at least 100 words. In case you want to count the exact number of words, use the
Words Count Archive of the Marauders, the only one allowed.
3rd category - REVIEWS: Unlike all the other archives of fan fiction, ours is the only one that allows the inclusion of reviews and fan fiction are not on the site (if the story Archive is the Marauders, the story comment directly on the spot). You can review any story of any author, but taking stories only from certain places.
find public records on which accounts are to be reviewed:
Nocturne Alley ,
Acciofanfiction ,
Fire & Blade ,
Italian Drarry Archive ,
Italian Slasher ,
FF SerieTV_ita ,
Soft Nightmare ,
Unknow_Fandom ,
Fanfic_Italia ,
Rps_Ita ,
Holmes_ita ,
Writer's Dream Forum (which is not exactly a store, but you will find beautiful original stories). Reviews from public records that are not in this list
not be accepted.
permits are also blogs and private archives of every kind and nature, you have carte blanche.
also are allowed even the forum, provided that the fan fiction section is accessible without registration.
A review must be at least 300 words. In case you want to count the exact number of words, use the
Words Count Archive of the Marauders, the only one allowed.
♪ HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? First of all you need to subscribe:) This is done
comment on this post Marauders Blog or post on this marauders_arch , the new community on Livejournal for open those who are unfamiliar with Wordpress.
First, you must comment by following this simple scheme, which will allow us to do the calculations once the challenge * O *
Nickname on Marauders Archive: link to his profile on the Marauders Archive: Link to
masterlist on his blog: we would have to open your space and you will need to keep track of all the stories, leave comments and reviews. And even if you put the link, we say thanks XD do not need to specify which category you want to participate, we'll discover it when you will review uu
C'E 'SOME CRAZING? In our country we call "small print" and yes, unfortunately there are. The stories, comments and reviews that do must be absolutely
starvation. Please, post
archived stories and reviews have already been published elsewhere, but just not print them in your masterlist, that's all XD So
be considered valid all the stories put online the day the start of the contest, but not before u_u
WHAT YOU WON? Obviously the glory and immense gratitude by the authors commented on and reviewed, the personal pleasure of writing as beasts and ...
XD \u0026lt;/ i> BANNER \u0026lt;/ i> ! A shower of beautiful and colorful banners XD
There are these banners, we hope to whet your appetite * O *
CATEGORY BANNER fanfiction: -
most prolific writer - fanfiction or original story better looking
- fanfiction or original short story more long
- fanfiction or original short story more p0rn
- fanfiction or original short story more angst
- fanfiction or original short story more such fun
BANNER CATEGORY COMMENTS: - Commentator most prolific
- Remarks finest
- Comments longer
- Comments most critical (in the sense of constructive)
- Remarks cutest
most prolific - best
Review - Review longest
- Review more critical (in the sense of constructive)
- Review funniest
ALL YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY 'TO RECEIVE A CUSTOM BANNER , even if not participating in any of the three categories! I can have your publicize our initiative in space! ^ __ ^
To inform us of your contribution is sufficient to comment on this
Marauders Blog or post on this marauders_arch , writing this:
I advertised the challenge ! Bannerizzatemi instantly XD: link of the post you have made.
EXPIRE WHEN THE CHALLENGE? The contest officially begins on April 1, 2010
and end on September 15, 2010 . You have five months to five can express your artistic side!
ENJOY by the staff of the Archive Marauders ♪