Fandom: Merlin and Merlin Cast RPS;
Paringa : Arthur / Merlin and Bradley / Colin;
Warning: Drabble, Flash, Pre-Slash, Slash, the ECR
Summary: Collection drable Flah fic and Christmas-themed characters on the show Merlin of the its cast.
opens its doors to the initiative Christmas BradleyJamesFan Forum , the Christmas Tree Drabble . Thanks again
I ° Decoration
Camelot Castle was beautifully decorated with bright colors, candles, garlands, ribbons and bows everywhere. It was the eve of Christmas and the banquet hall resounded with the joyous laughter of the court, while the mead flowed.
At some point during the evening when the guests were now considerably drunk, Merlin saw her Prince distance themselves discreetly and more curious about what was permissible and followed him.
Arthur wore his bright red jacket and, after being wrapped in his scarlet robe, the emblem of the Pendragon, has been charged a sack on his back and walked out of the Manor.
The Wizard continued to stalk, watching his master to stop at the door of every house and leave gifts, dried fruit, smoked meat, sweet caramelized, lived in homes where some children, even the toys.
Smiling and unnoticed, the servant returned to the palace, leaving the heir to the throne to their tasks.
When, finally, Arthur returned to their rooms, longing for nothing but the warmth of the fireplace, the bells rang in celebration, and now that idiot Merlin had fallen asleep with his head resting on the table of the antechamber.
Prince shook him gently by the shoulder, wondering how long that fool was there and when the other opened his eyes, he was presented with a beaming smile.
-Merry Christmas, and wished him the Witch-King Arthur, handing him a cup. The young
Pendragon did not ask how it was possible that the milk was still warm with honey, and confined himself to hide his lips, slightly curved, behind the cup. Who knows why, but had the distinct feeling that his idiot servant knew exactly where he had been until then.
Thus was born the legend of Santa Claus
XD You can find it on our Forum .