The basic concept is relatively simple, just a bit 'complex to explain. We start with a drabble that we provide: Choose a sentence, a word or series of words from our drabble and use it as inspiration for your drabble. You do not need that your drabble is somehow related to ours, the only connection needed is the phrase / word to start. This sentence / word can be of general inspiration, or cited in your drabble.
To add your drabble, write a comment that has as its object the sentence / word you chosen.
Once you have published your drabble response, other users can use phrases / words taken from her, even from our own, creating a true branching tree. The important thing is to respond whenever a new commentary on the drabble from which parts, whether mine or one of those already in the comments. In this way the tree branches will be more easily detectable.
There is no limit to the number of drabble that you can write, and there is no limit to the number of "answers" that can give a single drabble (a Tree not an inverted pyramid XD). You can even choose to inspire a sentence already been chosen by someone else before you. The aim is to have fun and branch the tree as much as possible, and then unleash the imagination!
Explanation prepared by the genius of
I am just a very lazy fat cats who do not want to write something of his own.
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