emilydoe @ 2009-12-30T11: 26:00 First of all, many wishes for a happy birthday
solarial !
I've got, is it, Lu? * Unsure * Pass a hopeful beautiful day, and Carlton, also taken from the frenzy of celebrations for the upcoming New Year, be with you more than ever:) He eats a lot of cake
* O * that many, more sweet, less sweet at this time ... XD
2) I'm meditating on the tasks that everyone does at year-end e. .. are not anyone wanting to make sure, as always XD
3) After nearly a month of lobbying by
kit_84 and
pai80 * no, you know, just to name two at random ...* * I posted yesterday a nonsense which could soon upset, used to * my royalties, but so stupid that perhaps classify it as nonsense
scemosa is not enough: in ' unlikely event anyone is crazy enough to want the link, you can find it in the post on top of the list on my LJ, the "Folder updated "- where you can gaze at the masterpiece of the folder that has the wife *.*. Why do I say, I wonder, since they are accustomed to silence all about? Well, like most any other fic that, for about a year or so, I'm doing it for a reason and I do not fool * patience and you will understand, is mine, is stupid, and stupid and I should stay: p *, but also because, upsetting myself, I participated in an initiative fanfictionesca e. .. Well, it's so XD. It 's weird for me: p. * Mother
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