No, I would stress the importance of the goal. His majesty. Its grandeur.
Daaaniiii! Even if you've reached such a figure, means nothing UU: I found this model for you ... see the light of the infrastructure, targeting the airiness of his hand ... um ... front (the words are not the XD), imagine what you will again reach insane speeds, thanks to him! * _ * (And always remember how to lift weights : the muscles no longer hold a much-exploited UU )
course not be said that Emy did not think the leaders on the day of the great day (and probably would have done better to just say "The Great Day", instead of doing 'I paraphrase), so that they have mercy on a poor defenseless old lady * looks at the height of Dani, who could crush a spider just like giving a pat on the head given the very low his stature ... will rely on its inherent whiteness to disorient * ** _ at least on his birthday - and I think this year will not have these problems ... XD after Bertha, I swear I'll try to do this too:). Indeed, given the majesty of the figure reached, even offer a choice: the menu offers this ...
Or this ...
Or maybe both * _ *
(have been carefully selected to avoid damage to dentures, of course.)
I mean, after all 'sti ramblings ... lots of good wishes ... it holds a * ... Happy Birthday, Dani
♥ I'm sure you will spend a beautiful day, and when you read this we will do the blessed resconto (you ensure that you do * _ * XD).
A big big kiss:)
PS: There are other rock paintings in the incoming packet (and if you remember the postcard Last winter, you know what I mean XD). The earthen away from normal people, mature, reasonable, sensible, from children immediately to avoid compromising their cognitive abilities, e. .. by all, I'm afraid XD
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