My mirror speaks.
Lying, looked in the mirror. Around the void. Only he, the mirror and the other, the warrior.
Whenever the sun comes up I feel more a stranger on an unknown shore.
With a beach that is consumed and disappears from under my feet.
When my mirror speaks, does not mince words, given that these eyes have half of their luster, as they used to be or not they were a bit '.
And 'cause I'm a man who hides from all that binds, in a mess of roads undefined.
And there is a little messed up inside my head that did not, or has too many heads and tails.
I fall more and a door open to an endless ocean horizon.
So I look for people who are standing by my side. And my
mirror speaks, with a bow makes me respect,
as a soldier that I can not give orders, he sees a child in the adult body.
He knows that he is a man who hides from all that binds, in a mess of roads undefined.
And there is a little messed up inside his head that has nothing to end it.
A new position for a different point of view, but nothing will change if not subtle, and I find myself face to face
With a man who hides from all that binds, in a casino indefinite roads.
And there's a little messy dentro la sua testa che non ha nulla alla fine di ess o.
Non c'è nulla alla fine...
Ve lo giuro, ho pensato a diecimila finali per questa storia, da più banali ai più eroici. C'era quello dolce, dove ritornavo a casa, quello drammatico dove avrei continuato a viaggiare per sempre, quello dove diventavo una stella.
Ma alla fine non c'è niente. Ci sono solo io con quello che ho creato. Con quello che mi è stato dato. Con quello che ho vissuto.
By that, I just say that if you need it, if you hate it, that if you love him, that if we do a fight and you talk about it for good or evil. A gives to you will always be there.
To my stars. White Mere, Angelo, Dantah, Ghe, Vane, Aurora, Kiu, Podda.
the queen of leaves that first gave me shelter. Erin.
the princess with whom I took tea. Jo
To my lady for a night (thanks to which I made up my dance of the sword.) Meg. At
Rosa. Ale
the rain. Vampy
And to all the travelers I met along my path. Now it
time for the warrior to sleep.
But if the April sky shining on my manor
if the eagle flies, bring the horse
pei mountains and if you hear the horns sounded
Bring me a sword it's time to return.
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