ucroniche Biographies: Benito Mussolini
Ve had the offer months ago, now maybe it has less sense, but it's a shame to have written and not published. So here's the biography of Benito Mussolini ucronica, for use and consumption of my saga dieselpunk Prometheus and the war.
The data refer to 1935 and 1936, while there are only hints of the character development in 1937.
I hope that is still a tasty ucronico exercise even for those who have not read the above-mentioned series.
A premise
Unlike previous articles, namely those dedicated to Otto of Habsburg-Lorraine and Kronprinz Wilhelm of Prussia , I find it unnecessary write here a summary of the true biography of Benito Mussolini. Del Duce has written more than anywhere else, from many points of view, labeling it in a thousand different ways. I believe that each of you has a precise idea last the penultimate Italian dictator, so it is useless to stay here to reiterate facts known and well-known.
Similarly this article, as well as the whole saga of Prometheus and the war not meant in any way giving judgments on fascism, nor does it in a different light or to honor Benito Mussolini. I know that other countries would be laughable ucronia a writer of such details, but this is Italy, and everyone is ready to give the fascist or communist when it comes to history. Well, gentlemen: I write fiction. Novels. Fiction. Sure, they also show through evaluations of more general, but those who have read 1935 and 1936 knows, I do not think I can acknowledge your nothing. If anyone still wants to do, know that I do not care much then.
Mussolini and non-revolutionary British secret agent
- there is some spoilers -
After the Great War with the victory of the Central Powers, the Government of Vienna decided to riannettere also Lombardo-Veneto domains in the possession of the Dual Monarchy. In 1919 Italy, defeated and impoverished by the conflict, was dismembered in various regions, some under the jurisdiction of the Austro-Hungarian others, like the German Savoy, subject to the Kaiser, and only one, down from Tuscany, including Sicily and Sardinia, still in the hands of the House of Savoy and the Italian Government.
In Milan, a pugnacious veteran, famous journalist People of Italy, tried to fight the annulment of the political, social and economic elite of the Milanese faithful to the flag. This man is Benito Mussolini. Mussolini created the Fasci Combat, formed by veterans of other ex-interventionists, the moral people are not entirely destroyed by the unfortunate ending of the war. Their struggle, but at the same time anti-Marxist socialist, however, only lasted a few months. The occupation authorities were able to suppress the violent activists beams, thanks to the policy of good governance adopted by the new emperor, Charles I.
Mussolini himself was forced to flee to England, where he did not lack admirers and disciples. Unfortunately, the plane that was taking him Caproni in London broke down a few miles from the middle and fell into the sea, where the leaders of the Fasci Combat drowned.
Or rather, this was the official for many years, from 1919 to 1935.
Actually Mussolini was rescued and assisted by the SIS, the British Secret Service, where for some time had a significant direct contact, then-Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Hoare. The British, the time has not yet ruled by the British Union of Fascist future (BUF) knew that sooner or later he would return Benito useful in fighting anti-Austrian and anti-German. I hid and changed identity, and has entrusted the team to Hoare. Under his tutelage she learned to behave as a perfect political agent. They taught many foreign languages, but also dialectical, economy, geopolitics, and even the basics of Eastern mysticism, which would later served to obtain the maximum concentration at times of distress.
In the following years he met the young Baron Oswald Mosley, who would shortly thereafter founded the BUF, which would become the undisputed leader. Mosley had an obvious admiration for Mussolini, and has become the favorite pupil. As the baron earned fame and political consensus at home, he promised his master that in the future would help him return to Milan to make the fascist revolution.
Mussolini's revolutionary success
The SIS and Mosley refer Benito Mussolini in Milan in 1934, in disguise. Its mission was to lay the groundwork for a future coup in Lombardy-Veneto. Posing as a printer with a lot of shop in the heart of Gorla, former teacher of Predappio he studied closely the barracks of Prometheus and the organization of Austrian security forces in the city. Not only that cautiously rejoined old friends and former comrades, as well as make contact with the Futurists led by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who still stuck up their nose in front of the Austro-Hungarian occupation government.
In 1935 the opportunity finally arrived that Mussolini had been waiting for: the SIS put in place a plan of destabilization, with the aim of fomenting the Patriotic Front against the government's pro-German monarchy sustained progress by His Imperial Majesty. The plan came to fruition and could cause a spark which would then broke the Pan-German coup in all domains central European empire. A Mussolini had the task of putting on between the two contenders, right there in the Lombardo-Veneto, taking power. He succeeded with a handful of revolutionaries, renamed Arditi, and with the support of pro-bourgeois, which was inspired by the Futurist Marinetti's speeches. Surprisingly, but in full line with the plans of London, Mussolini sided with the legitimate government, or with progressive-monarchists loyal to Otto von Habsburg. Not an easy choice for the former soldier who had fought the Austrians during the First World War, but justified by the fact that at present the biggest threat was to expand the Deutsches Kaiserreich throughout continental Europe. However
Mussolini cash in on his descent into the field to the rescue of the legitimate government of Lombardy-Veneto requested and received permission to become viceroy, replacing the current inept and corrupt. So he could realize his dream and at the end of March 1935 re-entered the political scene in Milan by the protagonist.
Mussolini: Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy, and aspirant Prime Minister reunited
In fact, the fidelity of the Dual Monarchy Mussolini appeared immediately doubtful. At the outbreak of war between the former allies of the Central Powers lined up so the side of the Habsburgs, but it was clear from the outset that his ambitions dealt largely with the "fascism" of the other domains of central and northern in order to then be able to provide real help (and a fundamental bridgehead) Mosley's friend, who wanted to liberate occupied France to create a "Western bloc" anti-German.
beams Combat becomes the Party of Arditi, of which Mussolini is now - 1937 - the only leader, called by the nickname of "Chief" from the faithful. The party picked up many of the Arditi success also in the adjoining Italian dominions, the Republic of Genoa to the Cispadana. The local governors, appointed by the first time in Vienna, saw Benito in support to claim progressive independence and the future disconnected from the subjection of Austria. So is the viceroy of Genoa, in charge with the title of Duke, who adhered to the cispadano Arditi, thus creating an informal but strong north-central confederation contrary to the pan-German coup government took office in Vienna and at the same time in adjoining duchies.
Mussolini pulled his side the military, hunting or trapping all those who instead sided with the Austro-Germanic Patriotic Front. Very quickly formed a volunteer corps, the Legion D'Annunzio, organized in about one hundred and ten battalions, of which sixty Lombardo-Venetians and Genoese other respectively, and even Cispadana partisan and Piedmontese Tyrolean against pro-German governments that still governs those areas.
At present it can be argued that Mussolini's goals are twofold: to provide, as mentioned above, secure a bridgehead to the armies engaged in the British liberation of France and west-central Italy reunify hunting Vittorio Emanuele III from Rome.
The achievement or otherwise of the first objective will be decided by the outcome of the war, which are involved troops loyal to the assault troops on several fronts: the inside (against the armies of the Austrian and German Savoy faithful to the pro-German usurpers) and Western , where Mussolini sent several divisions, also agrees with the Doge of Genoa, with the viceroy cispadano to support the British armed.
The second objective is pursued instead of trying to foment a fascist revolution "permanent" in the Kingdom of Italy. This uprising, however, is hampered by many supporters of the monarchy which, while not liking Vittorio Emanuele III, do not want to turn Italy into a republic or a military dictatorship. In this regard Mussolini is willing to offer the throne to the younger branch of the House of Savoy, the Savoy-Aosta, which would be very happy to be an active and Permanent reunited and free.