Certainly my relationship with writing has changed tremendously over the years. Read the considerations of those who now approach the art of storytelling on paper (on ebook!) Remind me as I was when I only meant to write up stories, leaving aside all considerations of contour on publishing, promotion, revolution digital etc etc.
In a sense at the time the writing was more pure.
As well as a somewhat pointless exercise.
Without sharing the act of writing is perhaps cathartic, but has no chance of development. Thanks to the Web every
hack, hacks or good it is, has the possibility to propose that produces a result far more severe than that composed of the usual retinue of relatives, friends and close acquaintances who NEVER dare to criticize it, thereby creating the risk of ruining a personal relationship established.
I am a bit 'impression - I think is the right word - to receive mail such as " How do I become a writer? "
impresses me especially because I do not call, or I shall call never "a writer". Hack is the term I use. I like it because it makes the idea of craftsmanship. In doing so immediately resets the snobbery inherent in many people who come to this passion.
The environment is full of Hemingway allegedly misunderstood. Ok, I speak ill of the editors because they are objectively of scoundrels (generalized: I admire those who know that they must recognize in this definition). However, publishers often have to deal with immature alls who believe they have the book in the drawer that will change human history.
But back to the question.
" How do I become a writer? "
The magic bullet is not there. However I tried to compile a list minimal of what I consider essential. I reread it and I have halved. I reread it and I reduced it again. I removed all the specifics addressed in writing who is dealing with it for a while ': they were too technical advice. What remains of that list are a few points I would call common sense.
Tell me 'what do you think.
"If you ladies leave my island, and if you survive recruit training weapon, you will be a minister of death writers, beg for fight write! But until that day you are pukes, the lowest form of life that is across the globe! You're not even fucking human beings, you will only tell pieces of organic matter commonly known amphibian shit. "
How do I become a writer?
Write. The world is full of people who have whole novels ... only in the head. I I know some of the same. Begin to put into words on paper (on file) is like placing the starting blocks. Do so at least you can say "I'm running."
Write consistently. I know, life is hard. There are always thousands of useless things to do (like work). Of excuses for not writing it can find plenty of them: they are too tired, I have to go out with friends, my boss always asks me overtime, the computer is my girlfriend etc etc. In reality there is no worse thing for an aspiring writer who ... never find the time to write. Get used to the physical act of being at the computer, the fateful blank page in Word. Imponetevi a rhythm and keep it. Half-day small page. A tale of average length month. Whatever, as long as your fingers work constantly on the qwerty keyboard of your PC.
Keep minimal tools at hand to write a passable Italian. Thanks to the Internet you can easily take advantage of dictionaries, translators and online handbooks for minimum write grammatically acceptable manner.
you read what you write. I've already talked a little higher. Offer your stories, poems, novels etc to readers 'neutral'. They are not worth friends, uncles, cousins etc etc. You are looking for good sites and writing fiction. Check out the possibility of bringing new material and share it.
accept the judgments of others. That does not mean being prone to insults. Try to weed out the destructive than constructive suggestions. Listen to the first, and then still treasure even the second: the place is full of people who will tell you to "throw your book out the window." Learning to live with the barbarism of the progressive sector will be useful.
is trivial, but essential: never stop reading.
Corollary: learn to read with a clinical eye. Enjoy the construction periods. Study why certain things work and others do not direct. Find the style that best suits your needs. There is nothing wrong in following the models of inspiration, at least initially.
- Research
absolute originality is often counterproductive.
Do not listen to the gurus who claim to know the "commandments of the perfect writing fantasy / horror / noir" etc etc. Sift their manuals, traetene but only what appears to be objectively valid, discarding everything that came into being by mere personal taste.
Assess the idea of participating in any contest. Even if you come last, you'll get two useful features: advice (often professional) about your writing and visibility.
Corollary: take part in competitions only serious, not to extort money from organized Filth naive.
This is the minimum list. Everything else, for example, create ebook, open a blog, interact with other writers, etc etc, is not of relevance the question that I have taken into account in the post.
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