Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Is Dry Cervical Mucus

Retrieved from "Selected Scenes of pandemic Yellow"

Ok, now double gift.

First you go back to the atmosphere of the Survival Blog, fixture of the weekend until two weeks ago.

Second, I give you a taste of Selected Scenes of pandemic Yellow , the ebook I'm working on. is an extract from an entire chapter (click to download) . It will give you an idea rather states that it will be structured as the entire job.

I repeat, in case you missed some step : SsPG is copied, I would say almost plagiarized from World War Z, Max Brooks's masterpiece. I'm not looking half-words or excuses, nor will I hide behind that crap "I want to honor" etc etc. I find the setting fantastic narrative of his book and I copy it. Period.

The ebook will be composed of fictitious interviews covering the period 2011-2015. Interviews conducted by Cristina Riccione , one of the protagonists in the Survival Blog, not by chance a former journalist of some repute, a true chronicler of the end of the world.

goes without saying that behind her I'm there, but I must admit that the character was too perfect not to exploit it in these clothes paranarrative.

SsPG So tell the backstory of the "dark years", major and minor episodes, from Italy to the rest of the world (such as this excerpt). I

ready several chapters. As I complete another three or four, then the ebook will be ready. Each chapter is structured like the one I propose today: a brief introduction author, which makes the update of the situation, then introduce the interview in question.

account to sell the ebook for the price of a newspaper, or a little more, or maybe to make a free version and a price, with a couple of extra chapters to justify the distinction. But these are details. We'll see.

Let me know if you will to design the taste (always remembering that they are a lousy plagiarist.)

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Retrieved from Selected Scenes of pandemic Yellow : download (PDF, approximately 140 kb)


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